How to

Record Your Terminal Session and Convert it to a GIF Image – ASCIINEMA
- By Pujianto
- . May 9, 2023
When we make a code documentation, software installation manual, or create presentations, we often add a code snippet to help

How To Install Fish Shell
- By Harry Yunanto
- . March 13, 2021
Fish shell is a smart, user friendly and interactive shell for Linux, Mac and the rest ofUNIX family. Some features

Get BIOS Information Using CLI
- By Harry Yunanto
- . January 30, 2021
In Linux, there are many ways we can use to get BIOS information. The first way is by reading the

How To Install Oh-my-zsh
- By Harry Yunanto
- . January 23, 2021
If we want to add more features to zsh, one thing we need is to install is a zsh framework.

How to Boot Arch Linux ISO From Hard Drive
- By Pujianto
- . August 29, 2019
Once upon a time, my computer was broken. The GRUB was fine but unable to load the kernel, I couldn’t

Create a SWAP File & Partition in Linux
- By Pujianto
- . August 28, 2019
SWAP is a space in hard disk that allocated as virtual memory to help physical memory ( RAM ). Your

How to Resize tmp Folder
- By Pujianto
- . August 27, 2019
Resizing the /tmp folder sometimes is a thing that needs to be done in a particular situation. For instance when

Add a Background Video to SDDM Login Screen
- By Pujianto
- . August 27, 2019
SDDM is a display manager for X11 and Wayland windowing system, which provides us a login screen and helps us

Get System Information Using Neofetch
- By Harry Yunanto
- . July 11, 2019
Neofetch is a a command line utility writen in bash to get system information. Neofetch will display operating system, desktop

Create Long Shadow Effects in Inkscape
- By Pujianto
- . March 18, 2019
Learn the simple way to create long shadow effect on Inkscape.